Levels & Cred

Updated: 08-May-2024

To address and mitigate one of the largest issues in both web2 social media platforms and crypto projects alike - botting and multi-accounting - Phaver has rolled out a level system that helps to curb multi-accounting and other actions that are harmful to both (i) the user experience and (ii) tokenomics. All levels are voluntary and every user enters at Level 1. L1 already allows for full access to the social parts of Phaver, but won't allow actions like casting points or claiming token rewards.

By end of 2023, over 100 000 wallets with a total value exceeding $100 million have been connected to Phaver Cred and the level of unique profiles in levels 3-4 is 99.9%.

Level Perks include in-app benefits such as more Stakes and sponsored Lens posts even for Lens-restricted users, but also partner benefits such as participation in partner whitelists and, for example, recently the opportunity to join the Phaver Private round through our investor and partner Swissborg.

Last updated