💹How to Get Started With Trading $SOCIAL
You can now trade $SOCIAL in below centralized and decentralized exchanges!
Exchanges info:
Bybit - https://www.bybit.com/en/trade/spot/SOCIAL/USDT
Gate - https://www.gate.io/trade/SOCIAL_USDT
Kucoin - https://www.kucoin.com/trade/SOCIAL-USDT
Bitget - https://www.bitget.com/spot/SOCIALUSDT
MEXC - https://www.mexc.com/exchange/SOCIAL_USDT
Cyberswap - https://cyberswap.cc/trade/swap
1. How to buy $SOCIAL in Bybit?
To quickly find the $SOCIAL/ USDT spot trading pair, use the search box to directly enter the $SOCIAL trading pair.
2. Place Your Order
Step 1: To perform Spot Trading, please ensure you are currently in the Spot tab. Then, choose to Buy it
Step 2: Enter your order value or quantity. If you place your order through other order types, such as Limit Order, you will need to enter your order price or trigger price.
For market buy and sell orders, the default is to place an order by value (market buy) and by quantity (market sell). You can click on Order by Value or Order by Qty to switch your order placement preferences.
3. How to withdraw?
Withdraw $SOCIAL to your connected wallet in Phaver enjoy Phairdrop SEASON 2 holding multiplier
Step 1: Please click on Assets, located in the bottom right-hand corner of the Bybit App page. Then, Click on Withdraw on the My Assets page.
Note: Withdrawals will only be performed via your Funding or Spot Account. If you want to withdraw assets from other accounts, please transfer the assets from other accounts to your Funding or Spot Account first by clicking on Transfer.
Step 2: Choose $SOCIAL to withdraw.
Step 3: fill your connected wallet address in Phaver and choose BASE or ETH network to withdraw
4. After your withdrawal, go back to Phaver App. Active daily to enjoy $SOCIAL holding multiplier for Phairdrop Season 2
5. You can also check your $SOCIAL holding ranking in the discovery tab $SOCIAL section
Many $SOCIAL Holders perks are coming. Stay tuned and Let's Keep Phavering!
Last updated